UMA telecon 2022-10-27

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FAPI and UMA next steps - OAuth compatible UMA version 

UMA isn’t just additional to OAuth, but also changes defined functionality:


To address those concerns, is it possible to create an intermediary spec that is OAuth compliant?

OAuth <> OAuth compliant UMA <> Full UMA


What’s the minimum viable UMA features set: needs_info, RqP role, claims_pushing, RS first flows

What could be removed: PCT, request_submitted, ticket(!)


Token endpoint, still need a new grant type for claims pushing, maybe renamed from uma-ticket to uma or uma-claims. There is no OAuth grant_type for this today



Pushed Claims Case:

  1. client requests resource, gets www-authenticate with scope string

  2. client requests token, gets need_info with options (push or gather) and scope string (maybe changed)

  3. client requests token with claims, gets RPT (or needs_info again?)

  4. client requests resource with RPT

Gathering Use Case

  1. client requests resource, gets www-authenticate with scope string

  2. client requests token, gets need_info with options (push or gather) and scope string (maybe changed)

  3. client does authorization code flow with AS (/authorize → /callback)

  4. client requests token with code, gets RPT

  5. client requests resource with RPT


Next steps: