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UMA/UDAP/etc comparison

Julie Use-case Report - progress update on resolving feedback

Charter Refresh

Draft Charter 2022


me, delegate


Does the RqP need to know the owner? No

Does UMA support group membership policy? Yes

Alice has a resource R registered at her A, she delegates control to Bob, allowing Bob to 're-share' R with Sam. 

If Alice shares a resource R with Bob, Bob should not be able to share R with Sam

Delegation of Control (administration): Alice allows Bob to create policies over her resources (R, S, T)

Delegation of Access (sharing): Alice allows Bob to access her resources (R, S)

resource = R, scopes = (a, b, c), owner = O

Explicit Policy (opt-in): O says R can be accessed by ANYONE who provides a (name, email) ← eg to download some whitepaper

Implicit(default) Policy (opt-out): AS has a policy that all R of type can be access by ALL doctors

Implicit Policy: AS will allow any Doctor to access any resource if they assert the scope 'btg'

Implicit Policy: As will allow any RqP who is an Owner to access their own resources

Implicit policy is (today) broadly agreed to by the Owner when the agree to the ASs Terms of Service. Implicit Policy may allow an explicit opt-out by an owner. 

Explicit Opt-out: O say doctor E can't access any of her resources

National Policy > State Policy > Local Policy > (Implicit) Organizational Policy > actual policy < subject/owner/administrator Policy (Explicit)

Should we have have more impl guidance around Group Policy? It's supported in the spec, however most of our public information is Alice→Bob sharing