
Roll call

Quorum was reached.

Approve minutes

Approve minutes of UMA telecon 2017-05-25: Deferred.


Check out this nice article from KuppingerCole.

CIS: Justin, Eve, Mike, Colin, Sal, Mark L. Don't miss the UMA2 session on Thursday afternoon. Justin is speaking on Shadow IT on Monday, and gray lists on Thursday. There's a Kantara workshop on Monday morning, where there will be a lot of updates, and a Kantara booth (table). IRM has an updated principles paper. Eve is speaking on HEART on Thursday. Sal, Mark, and Eve are on a privacy panel Tuesday afternoon. Sarah is speaking on VoT (vectors of trust) just before the UMA talk (this is opposite the HEART talk). Mike is speaking in the Practical OIDC track on good client software Wednesday morning. Eve and others are performing in a band on the Wednesday night after the keynote. #ZZAuth, baby.

Let's all promote each other's talks as the week proceeds!

UMA V2.0 work

Release notes approach: Eve's attempted approach seems reasonable enough. The categories are: Spec Reorg, Terminology Changes, AS Discovery, AS/C and RS/C Communications (basically UMA grant), AS/RS Communications (basically fed authorization), and General. An UMA2 implementation approach might involve a fresh start in any case, though Eve's feeling is that it's just due diligence to publish proper release notes, to catch small corner cases or any small bits of code reuse that got things wrong from before.

Justin notes that the MPD implementation is sort of "95% there", it's just that he'd need a sponsor, or engineers thrown at it to do pull requests. This was a branch on MITREid Connect (the previous version, V1.2). It was never brought into an official release stream. Sal might reach out about that.

AI: Eve: Send off emails to the relevant official IANA Registry email addresses regarding making the registration requests.

I-Ds: Do we even need to create something like this anymore? Does anyone point people to the I-D versions anymore? Justin gives this example. We probably should have put links to the wiki home page into those pointer I-Ds in the first place, but oh well. Consensus not to bother.

The thread with Pedro

Are there any actions needed based on the various topics in that thread?

Leadership team elections

All are encouraged to stand for any position they wish.

AI: Eve: Send note to the group about positions and nominations (self- or other).


As of 7 Mar 2017, quorum is 4 of 7. (Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, Cigdem)

  1. Domenico
  2. Sal
  3. Eve
  4. Cigdem

Non-voting participants:


Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl