https://github.com/KantaraInitiative/wg-uma/issues/256 This is one of a series of messages meant for discussion of naming of entities and concepts. This message consolidates a bunch of *token/ticket/registration* terms from the GitHub issue: - requesting party token (RPT) (original) - protection API token (PAT) (original) - authorization API token (AAT) (obsolete) - persisted claim token (PCT) (new) - permission ticket, registering a requested permission (original), registering for a permission ticket (colloquial) - uma_ticket (new; in the URL of the UMA grant type) - register a resource set (original) For now, let's please discuss only in email, unless we're all somehow magically aligned by the time we get to the next call. I'll provide my own thoughts in a followup message. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl