http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+legal+subgroup+notes... 2017-08-18 Attending: Eve, Tim, Kathleen, Sal, Colin Quick discussion related to the CIS WG topic of User Submitted Terms and who is the data controller: John introduces the concept of "Two Solitudes". The more we – in our various WGs and specs! – start figuring out exactly how individuals can influence organizations through these mechanisms, we want to ensure that the "resource regulators" and other influencers get the right idea about how all this applies to the privacy entity roles. The UMA and CIS WGs should plan some joint calls to sync, share wisdom, line up questions, and identify points of interaction and interop between specs and frameworks. Let's plan this at the next Kantara Workshop at CIWUSA17. Looking at the new version of the role definitions (Word doc on the screen): *UMA Role 4*: The *Automated Transaction* definition accounts for the fact that these transactions are indeed digital in nature and often automated. So this is an "underpinning" kind of definition. This comes from existing Uniform Law. (Tim's approach is to borrow language from existing laws, so that it's familiar.) He'll add the citations before publication to ensure the text all has the right authority. The *Protected Resource* definition discusses "All data (and then a long list of data and type of content taken from existing law language)...". Do we mean all data, or specific data/content controlled by an RO, available at an RS, and protected by an AS? "Protected resource" is a specific UMA concept, and this is the sort of "magic triad" that makes it a protected resource. Kathleen mentions the concept of "addressable" as a potentially helpful term to ensure we mean the digital and web-ish kind or even IoT-ish kind. Tim thinks that "information" as defined in a particular body of law he knows (which was it? Fiduciary Access Law? it covers assets after someone has died) could be useful. So do we need to enumerate the kinds of information, or can we reuse someone else's definition? We probably don't need to include a notion of "addressable". Maybe something like *"A digital asset (citation) manageable/managed by a RO"*. Boom! The verb there is just to connect the standard meaning of digital asset to our concept of RO that's in this glossary. Hopefully we don't have to worry about actual explicit liability considerations in choosing this verb yet (though maybe we do?). We are thinking that the *Authorization Server Operator* definition should say "authorization server" vs "access server", and then cite UMA Grant because it defines "authorization server", and likewise the *Resource Server Operator* definition should say "resource server" vs "host server" and cite UMA Grant. This "gives authority", so to speak, to UMA's official definitions of these technical terms. Likewise in the fullness of time, we'll want to point to the official UMA definitions of the various technical artifacts. (Note that the only artifacts not defined in the UMA Grant spec (or FedAuthz spec - PAT is in there) would be "client identifier" and "client credentials", and those are in the OAuth 2.0 spec: IETF RFC 6749. This law Tim wants to use expressly covers what to do about digital assets when somebody has died. UMA has relevance in Digital Death use cases (see past IIW notes for lots of work on this!). - Even after the RO has died (this body of law is useful even before that time, though!), *as long as the PAT is valid*, and the RPT and permissions are still valid, then an RqP can still get access. - If the RO does estate planning, then delegation mechanisms could be used at the business logic layer above any one instance of an UMA flow so that a "transfer of protected resource ownership" can be effected. Though the *Data Subject*/*Resource Owner* relationship isn't the same as the *Requesting Party*/*Requesting Party Agent* relationship, we should make sure to have the same kind of "*on behalf of themselves or (the other one)*" construction in the right (other one of the pair). The Legal Relationships section may have been overcome by events; maybe review it for current accuracy, or remove it. Or possibly we'll simply have the "all-singing all-dancing" paragraph ready for inclusion. We do have a Legal call next week. We *DO NOT* have a Legal call on Fri Sep 1. US and Canada people, enjoy the long weekend for Labor Day! *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl