I heard from two people supportive of meeting tomorrow, but not a groundswell (nor from Justin, whose proposal I had hoped to make the main item of the agenda), and heard no support for a May 6 substitute. So it looks like we'll have a bit of a hiatus in our main WG (vs. legal subgroup) calls. By the way, there is a new process for ensuring non-WG-participants understand our IPR policy when we find ourselves in "public"/open-ish meeting places. Convening UMA-related sessions at IIW would be a place to use this process. For those attending, let's sync up briefly over espresso and agenda creation and I'll explain. See (some of) you soon! *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
To smooth out our meeting schedule a bit, I'm hoping we can add a couple of non-Thursday meeting times to make up for missed meetings. Rather than a heavyweight process, I'm going to propose a few particular dates/times that work for me, and ask for private responses back from those people who tend to attend.
Week of Apr 18: WG call Apr 21 canceled due to Eve absence (still have a legal call Apr 22)
- How about meeting *Wed Apr 20 9am PT*? (usual hour for WG calls, one day earlier) - Topic: Justin's #wideeco (and #IoT and #simplify and...?) solution proposal
Week of Apr 25: WG call Apr 28 canceled due to IIW (still have a legal call Apr 29)
- No replacement meeting
Week of May 2: WG call May 5 canceled due to Eve absence
- Legal call May 6 may be canceled as well due to Eve absence - But if not, would *Fri May 6 9am PT* make a good substitute for a WG call? - Likely topic: more #wideeco, likely still Justin's proposal
Week of May 9: WG call May 12 canceled due to EIC (legal call May 10 also canceled)
- No replacement meeting
Rest of May: Back to regular meetings
Thanks in advance.
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl