To help make UMA easier to understand and adopt, I'd like to propose a very simple IoT use-case.

As background, check out the 1:23 video of McAffe pitching EveryKey.  What would this look like if all the locks, keys, and authorization servers were totally UMA standard and cost around $30?

The use-case is pretty simple:

If Alice's AS happens to be nearby, this use-case might happen entirely over Bluetooth with no connection to the Internet. In this case, the status of the SSL certificates cannot be checked but everything should work. Other than the SSL certificates such as Let's Encrypt, this use-case leaks no private data to the cloud or to any external entities.

The lock, the key, and Alice's AS are all assumed to be separate open source technologies. There are bilateral contracts between the operators of the lock (RSO), Alice as the AS operator (ASO), and Bob as responsible for the key (RqP). These contracts must all include a provision for Notice to the counter-party of the contract if the lock, AS, or key are lost or otherwise compromised.

Ideally, each of the three technology actors (lock, key and AS) in this use-case could be a C.H.I.P.  (It would be better if CHIP included a secure element, but that's a peripheral issue).
