This is great stuff! One of the reasons I started to “collect lawyers” was that I wanted to be sure I wasn’t crazy in thinking that we were onto something interesting. Now it seems we can get increasingly bold in advocating “consent management” (what I’d been calling Consent 2.0) that’s more proactive, both on the part of individuals (literally, with proactive policy) and on the part of organizations (through clauses being used as “gezeirah <http://www.jewfaq.org/defs/gezeirah.htm>” :-) ). Eve
On 12 Oct 2015, at 7:22 AM, Neiditz, Jon <JNeiditz@kilpatricktownsend.com> wrote:
With encouragement from Jim Hazard, I just posted this for the world to get maximum UMA mileage/leverage from the mass migration to model clauses following last week’s radical Safe Harbor decision: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-safe-harbors-death-empowers-non-europeans... <https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-safe-harbors-death-empowers-non-europeans-spawns-jon-neiditz?trk=prof-post>
This is a take that has apparently eluded the thousands of other commentators on Safe Harbor. Please let me know what you think!
Thanks and best,
Jon Neiditz Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Suite 2800 | 1100 Peachtree Street NE | Atlanta, GA 30309-4528 office 404 815 6004 | cell 678-427-7809 | fax 770 234 6341 jneiditz@kilpatricktownsend.com <mailto:jneiditz@kilpatricktownsend.com> | My Profile <http://www.kilpatricktownsend.com/en/Who%20We%20Are/Professionals/N/NeiditzJonathanA16125.aspx> | vCard <http://www.kilpatricktownsend.com/_assets/vcards/professionals/NeiditzJonathanA.vcf>
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