
Roll call

Quorum was reached.

Approve minutes

Approve minutes of UMA telecon 2017-03-09 and UMA telecon 2017-04-20 : APPROVED by unanimous consent.


Who is traveling next week, particularly next Thursday, and can't make a WG call? Justin and Mike. Mike's got Yuriy reviewing the specs and starting UMA2 implementation right now. Eve's team is also starting implementation.

There is also the IIW "coming-out party" sort of opportunity for the refactored specs, to get feedback.

Assuming we gain directional consensus on the refactoring today, let's schedule a special WG meeting for Friday May 12 at 9am PT/11am CT/5pm UK for the purpose of approving Draft Recommendations for a Public Comment period. The idea would be to gather feedback between now and then, particularly implementation feedback, and put it into editors' drafts timely.

UMA V2.0 work

Wrt the refactoring proposition, there are two big questions:

Eve explained how the concept of permissions is handled in the Grant spec; this will be a key point for implementers and readers to test. In fact, issue #306 is directly related to questions about permissions and resource-specific scopes, so please keep this in mind.

For #307, you'd need a standards-track IETF spec to do a real IANA registry. Maybe we should at least take a registry template-like approach.

The FedAuthz spec only extends Grant; it is not generally applicable to all OAuth grants. (Maybe seeing it will inspire someone(s) to work on a more generic federated authorization approach together...) So this is a backing-off of the question in #290!

What is the correct description of these specs? What is "feature" and what is "benefit"? Justin called it "uma-ticket" because the permission ticket pattern is the essential feature of the grant. "User-managed access" has been the defining phrase for the set of benefits we targeted with our design principles.

The file name/spec identifier should definitely have the word "grant" in it. So replace "ticket" with "grant"? That seems to be the thing to do.

The "Adrian clause", about the RS getting to apply its own authorization controls, now sits in FedAuthz. Why? It only makes sense when you enter the land of federated authorization, when the RS and AS are actually operated by different parties.

Consensus on continuing with the refactoring approach.

AI: Eve: Cancel next week's meeting and move the meeting of two weeks from now. (DONE)

AI: Eve: Reach out to George about his UMA 101 session. (DONE)

AI: Eve: Edit specs so that it's oauth-uma-grant and an xref of "UMAGrant". (DONE - Grant rev 02 and FedAuthz rev 02)

AI: All: Review and implement specs, and submit issues ASAP so we'll be in a position to get the Public Comment period under way in mid-May.


As of 7 Mar 2017, quorum is 4 of 7. (Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, Cigdem)

  1. Domenico
  2. Andi
  3. Eve
  4. Mike
  5. Cigdem

Non-voting participants:


Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl