Previews and Live Discussion: Monday, November 9th at 2:00pm Eastern via this page:

Hackathon & Symposium

November 20-22, 2015
Online and In-Person Open Event


MIT Connection Science @ The Media Lab

The FutureCommerce Hackathon and Symposium is a creative event for team-based generation of innovative commercial products, services, transactions, experiences, relationships and business models. Enroll and/or propose a project at


Shameless plug: I will be proposing a GitHub project to create an open source reference implementation of a _personal_ UMA Authorization Server. The goal is to accelerate adoption of standard APIs for controlled access to the personal information that service providers have about us. The project is called HIE of One. It's not healthcare specific. Attend the Nov 9 preview and/or just connect with me directly if you would like to know more.

