Hello Kantara,

We had a great  ANCR Launch session on Privacy Day, and to follow up we are hosting  a Data Privacy Hack/Workshop Jan 30. 

A key hack we are working on is Enforceable Privacy and the use of Notice Receipts for each legal justifications to provide enforceable privacy rights in context. 

The base schema is the 'explicit consent notice receipt’ which we are working on in the ANCR WG. In our last hackathons we have been working on for privacy agreements that better interact with terms of use. 
  • Contract Notice Receipt 
  • Legitimate Interest Notice Receipt
  • Legal Obligation Notice Receipt 
  • Vital Interest Notice Receipt 
  • Public Interest Notice Receipt 
(a receipt is  its a notice of record - and all receipts are inherently data receipts)

In addition to Consent Notice Receipts, which cover the spectrum of legal/social consent and include: Explicit, Implied, Directed & Altruistic Consent, for the transfer of liability through transparency of privacy risk.   All are welcome, so please pass this on to your groups.

Best Regards, 


 The calendar invites below is for the Legal Hacking Workshop -  (more info on ANCR WG homepage)

These are the goto meeting call details, and some guiding policy:
- you do not have to login to GotoMeeting to access the call,  
- we will be recording the event - and we intend to share this on the Public ANCR WG page
- And, as a result, we do not require to put your  video on, and you do not have to share information in the call,
- This is not an official ANCR work group meeting, details for work group sign up are provided after the launch. 

You can join the ANCR WG Launch from your computer, tablet or smartphone. And stay in the Video Call for the Demo’ Sessions - 

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3112

Access Code: 562-338-533

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready for your the ANCR Launch meeting
starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/562338533

Open Consent Group: Data Privacy Legal Hackathon - Launch
DPLH- Hack’s 4 Demo’s
Scheduled: Jan 28, 2021 at 8:45 AM to 10:00 AM

10am to 2 pm Edt