To prepare for tomorrow's agenda, here is the composite list of real-life examples of negatives. Please read these in the context of a Resource Server holding records for 4.5 Million Alices and accessible to some 10,000 Bobs:


On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Eve Maler <> wrote:

For this call, let us take the following “negative use case”, growing out of the agency and “RS risk” discussion we’ve been having:

“I, a US hospital, have an online service that exposed a FHIR API for electronic medical records. Alice set up policies at her consumer-grade AS, and I accepted outsourcing authorization there. The token from the AS told me that it was okay to give client MobileApp and requesting party Bob access, so I did. But then Alice sued me/complained/reported me/(something else bad)”. (Adrian can comment on real-life examples somewhat analogous to this, with breaches and such.)

Dazza has offered to facilitate a discussion of the following points:
  • What are the key legal issues presented by this scenario? 
  • What legal role(s) and corresponding rules apply to the actions and data of the parties in this scenario?  
  • What are the potential or probable outcomes if things go wrong (eg: result of enforcement actions, allocation of loss or other dispute resolutions)? 
  • What advice or other resources for parties seeking to adopt UMA could help them manage legal risks and/or structure legal affairs to expand or create new value? 
And I will scribe. :-)

Talk to you soon!

Eve Maler | cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl | Calendar:

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Adrian Gropper MD

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HELP us fight for the right to control personal health data.