You're correct, the example is wrong, and the normative text is ambiguous as it doesn't specify a response code. We implemented this as a 200. Additionally, we return the full entity on update since the text says the response "must include the _id" but doesn't specify whether or not to include anything else: https://github.com/mitreid-connect/OpenID-Connect-Java-Spring-Server/blob/ma... I'd file a new bug. -- Justin On 7/15/2015 9:30 PM, Farazath Ahamed wrote:
The method described in the spec to update Resource Set descriptions[1] is supposed to return a HTTP 204 including the _id value of the successfully updated resource set description.
but the HTTP Status Code Definition for 204 says,
The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
Therefore is it correct to include a body in a 204. Is it possible to do that? Am I missing a trick here?
[1] https://docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/draft-oauth-resource-reg.html#rfc.sec...
Thanks, -- *A.Farasath Ahamed* Undergraduate | Department of Computer Science and Engineering,University of Moratuwa Article Writer | MoraSpirit Mobile: +94 777 603 866 Blog: http://thepseudocode.blogspot.com E-Mail: mefarazath@gmail.com <mailto:mefarazath@gmail.com>