I think Alec and I agree to the limit of our terminology and my understanding. 

As I participate in both the UMA and VC groups, there has been a lot of discussion of:
- on the UMA legal side, the value of distinguishing the technical entity (AS) from the legal operator entity (ASO)
- on the VC side, the subject = holder vs. subject .ne. holder

Since both initiatives depend on legal clarity for success, it would be really nice if we could come to a common set of definitions.


On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 8:23 AM Alec Laws <alec@identos.ca> wrote:

Think we agree on the entities, but may not on the definition of a VC Holder. I don't believe the AS is a holder because it never touches the VC's, only authorizes their movement between RS & RqP. From [1], 'Holders must receive and store verifiable claims'

path 1: [Issuer] RS--VC-->RqP [Holder(Wallet)] RS--VC-->RqP [Verifier]
path 2: [Issuer/Holder] RS--VC-->RqP [Verifier]

As Adrian suggests, path 1 is more privacy respecting because the Issuer doesn't control how Alice may use the VC after it’s issued. In either path, the Verifier trusts the claim based on the Issuer's signature. 
UMA allows path 2 where the holder doesn't exist, or is pary of the Issuer. 

Alec Laws

[1] Verifiable Claims Data Model and Representations

On Oct 20, 2018, at 5:19 PM, Adrian Gropper <agropper@healthurl.com> wrote:

Continuing to cross-post Alec's next contribution below and adding:

- Alec seems to agree to the 4 rust issues so let's work with them until something else comes up.

- I think I disagree with Alec on the Holder / RS pairing in a subtle way. If, for privacy reasons, the VC should not need to know how and when the VC is used, (the Driver's License Bureau doesn't know or care when you use your driver's license) then the AS should be in charge of the wallet and operated by the RO. In some cases, the AS will decide to send the RqP's Client directly to the RS (a privacy issue for the RO) but in other cases, the AS will decide to send the RqP to a RS (a wallet) that is operated by the RO. 

This is exactly how Trustee functions today. The AS is paired with a RO-controlled EHR acting as a holder / wallet. There's no loss of privacy or sovereignty because the RO-controlled AS can always choose whether to send a request to the issuer's RS or to a copy of the credential in the RO's RS.



The 4 trust issues seems correct. For the pairings, instead of AS as holder, is that role fulfilled by the RS? Maybe both models are correct in different constructions?

Holder / RS
Subject / RO
Issuer / RS, or out of UMA scope
Verifier / RqP 
Identifier registry / AS? 

With these pairings, there are two issues mapping UMA to VC
  1. The RS is either issuer or holder (or both issuer and holder). When an RS issues claims a  ‘wallet RS’ may act as a client with the subject/RO as the RqP. After collecting and holding the claim, it will later present it to a RqP, now acting in the RS role. The RS is the holder / wallet of VCs on behalf of the subject (RO).
  1. In UMA the RO might not be present during claim presentation. Instead the RO may have created a policy at an AS, allowing a RqP to access their VC. The RS is the entity which actually presents the claims to the RqP (and would need pop, either dynamically or pre-provisioned by the subject?). 

Trustee Example: The institution (Labcorp) issues the VC directly to the Licensed Physician, based on a Policy created by the Patient at the RS. 
Eve’s Example: The State License Bureau issues the Digital Driver's License to the loan officer.

In both examples, the VC may first go to a 'wallet RS' that the subject controls first. During presentation to the RqP that wallet performs like an RS with authorization from the AS. 

Are there issues with the same entity performing multiple roles in the VC model? 
Also, how does the RqP knows which resource to request from the RS? In the VC model this is clear since the entity presenting the claims is the subject/holder

Alec Laws

On Oct 19, 2018, at 11:53 PM, Adrian Gropper <agropper@healthurl.com> wrote:

Continuing the cross-posting to make sure David's excellent analysis is seen by all...

HIE of One Trustee is a self-sovereign technology use-case designed to work where federations are faltering or distorting the market. 

Analog      VC          UMA          Trustee Example               Eve's Example                   

Patient     Subject     RO           Patient                       Bank Customer

HIV Titer   Issuer      RS           Institution (e.g. Labcorp)    State License Bureau (digital)

Wallet      Holder      AS           Trustee (an UMA AS)           AS (customer's digital agent)

HIV Report  VC          Resource     FHIR Resource                 Digital Driver's License

Blood Bank  Verifier    RqP          Licensed Physician            Bank Clerk or Loan Officer

Trust relationships:
(1) The Verifier / RqP trusts that the Issuer / RS properly identified the Subject / RO - Liability may rest with the Issuer, the Verifier, or the Subject depending on the use-case.

(2) The Verifier / RqP trusts that the Holder / AS has not tampered with the credential.

(3) The Verifier / RqP trusts that the Holder / AS operator will not misuse the claims they present in order to gain authorization to the resource.

(4) The Verifier / RqP can, acting as an Issuer / RS, issue a secondary credential (e.g. a prescription) to the Holder / AS that some downstream Verifier / RqP will trust.

Are 1-4 the only trust issues under consideration?

Are the pairings  Subject / RO,  Issuer / RS, Holder / AS, Verifier / RqP universal enough to be helpful in our standards efforts?


On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 5:22 PM David Chadwick <D.W.Chadwick@kent.ac.uk> wrote:
Hi Adrian

in the VC work the verifier trusts the issuer(s) of the VCs, not the

Translating the VC model into UMA language, the VC verifier is the UMA
requesting party, the UMA protected resource would be the VC holder's
wallet holding his/her VCs. The UMA resource owner is the VC holder. The
VC issuer is not in the UMA diagram in Figure 1: Federated Authorization
Enhancements to UMA Grant Flow.

If you add this missing entity(ies), namely the VC issuer(s) into your
diagram, and indicate that the requesting party trusts the VC issuer(s),
then the requesting party can determine whether the resource owner can
be trusted or not after validating the VCs.

Note that VCs do not generally use bearer tokens, and the holder has to
prove that he/she is the genuine holder of the issued VCs. This PoP
might mean you need an enhancement to the UMA protocol (I dont know the
UMA protocol in detail. You may already have PoP). One way is for the AS
or RS to hold the RO's private keys and to sign the response message to
the requesting party.



On 19/10/2018 19:20, Adrian Gropper wrote:
> I'm cross posting this for the obvious reason and will try to act as
> relay if a discussion ensues. 
> On today’s UMA standards call, the following came up:
>         180 degrees use case / decoupled use case discussion
> Nancy has written up some "180 degrees" use cases, which she'll share
> more widely soon. These got Eve thinking.
> We briefly discussed use cases where the requesting party needs to trust
> the resource owner before taking some action (potentially against
> resources shared), e.g. a loan officer needing to trust that the
> putative resource owner is who they say they are so that the (e.g.)
> personal attributes (resource) shared can be trusted to be associated
> with that resource owner "bearer". This way, the loan officer can
> approve a loan (which might be a second resource that the same resource
> owner could later share with others).
> The current UMA model allows the RO and their AS to match RqP claims
> (not just a plain authenticated identity) against policy, and the RO can
> be decoupled (asynchronous) from that process. The client that the RqP
> uses is explicitly accounted for in the protocol, and UMA has a
> framework for this matching and for the RO's delegation / access
> granting to the RqP. But it only accounts for the client that the RO
> uses to interact with the RS and AS through the OAuth authorization
> endpoint (resulting in a PAT), and otherwise the client handling on the
> RO side is implicit.
> The notion of the RqP needing to trust the RO and the RO needing to
> grant resource access to the RqP seems similar to the "decoupled" use
> cases, where a CSR or bank teller needs to know that Alice is really
> Alice before getting access to her account. 
> What would make sense for ensuring that the RqP could come to trust the
> RO "binding"? Alec will describe some work they've done along these
> lines in our next meeting.
> For the UMA folks, check out Figure 2 at
> https://www.w3.org/TR/verifiable-claims-data-model/ to get oriented. For
> the VC folks, check out 
> https://docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/wg/rec-oauth-uma-federated-authz-2.0.html
> by way of orientation.
> Our HIE of One Trustee implementation would not be practical without
> _both_ UMA authorization and self-sovereign identifier standards.
> Federation in healthcare is not deployed widely enough to serve a
> patient-centric health record application. I hope this email inspires
> our group’s to harmonize or at least to produce a brief paper describing
> why or why not.
> Adrian
> --
> Adrian Gropper MD
> HELP us fight for the right to control personal health data.
> DONATE: https://patientprivacyrights.org/donate-3/


Adrian Gropper MD

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Adrian Gropper MD

HELP us fight for the right to control personal health data.