This was our token revocation discussion. It seemed so simple on our call on Thursday: Just define a new token type hint keyword, say "pct". But reading RFC 7009, I'm not sure that's quite the end of it.

Token revocation requires authenticating the identity of the resource owner at the authorization endpoint a la OAuth Sec 3.1. Of course, by analogy, that would be using the claims interaction endpoint for us, but we allow a lot more flexibility in our authorization process, e.g. pushing claims etc. And this isn't just because it's an asynchronous grant. So I think we need to do a bit more "surgery".

I can't think of any reason why the client shouldn't be able to go ahead and ask to revoke any RPT it has, even if the RqP isn't around. Is that legit?

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl