Mark L and I were IMing a couple of weeks back, discussing some of the things that could constitute "consent instructions" in UMA. I ended up typing out what I thought of as what Alice (y'know, the resource owner or her proxy/guardian/agent :-) wants some RS operator "X" to do on her behalf in "plain English":
This is pretty much what I as a human being would expect UMA to "mean" wrt a RSO, giving them just enough of an "out" in case they have to live up to laws in their jurisdiction etc.

Is this helpful in the spirit of having both Creative Commons human-readable and lawyer-readable text? :-) Should I keep going and write a brute-force list for what the RO/ASO relationship should "mean" and so on?

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl