Thanks to everyone for a very productive issue nomination session. I’ve done a bit of consolidation in the spreadsheet that we were working on, and labeled the issues in GitHub with “blocking”, “critical”, and “editorial” labels, and put everything we discussed under a “V1.0.1” milestone for now — we’ll see if we get to them all.
I didn’t label the issues with the impact or breaking/non-breaking nature, because these are qualitative assessments that are mostly useful for prioritizing the order in which should tackle the issues. But I did use them to derive an order of attack (which was kind of fun to do…).
I haven’t yet put assignments in GitHub, and therein lies the rub: We don’t yet have official champions on several key issues. Here’s a screenshot of the relevant snippet to give you an idea of what we’re up against. In order for us to fully discuss (and resolve??) issues 165, 153, 154, and possibly 160 on August 7, would the champion be Justin since he’s the one most wanting to change the status quo? (As agreed earlier, we don’t need to see perfect full spec text, but I think we’re ready to consider fairly mature proposals; we’ve gotten our heads around alternative options.) [a bit more below]

(As an aside, for Maciej, I’m not sure if we’ll manage to transfer the repo to Kantara before we manage to get through this patch release, and I wonder if we should even try. I’d hate to lose the issue metadata, especially what I just put in. :-)
Eve Maler | cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl | Calendar: