Hi folks-- After having a chance to meet several UMAnitarians face-to-face while in Australia recently (and what a good time that was), I was reminded that we hadn't held an "APAC sync" meeting in quite a while. So I thought I'd offer up the chance to hold one again -- if not regularly (we had a fortnightly meeting series that went for a long while, but then it petered out), then perhaps just an ad hoc one to give people a chance to catch up and weigh in on all the stuff going on. For all those in the southern hemisphere who might be interested but can't normally join our meetings, can you drop me a private note by the end of this week and let me know: - Are you interested in technical topics (e.g. our current spec wrangling), legal topics (e.g. the primer and "model clause" work), or both? - What days/time ranges are best for you? Please indicate your time zone - If you had the chance to attend sync meetings regularly, would you? - No, c'mon really, would you? Be honest -- this is for posterity :-) I'll figure out what's what, and if there's enough interest, I'll set something up... *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl