Here's a link to my RSAC 2017 session page, which points to the slides and video.

Here's link for the white paper Hannes T shared with me on Data ownership in the context of the European data economy: proposal for a new right. (Short answer: It isn't one.)

The Internet of Medical Things article I mentioned from SciTech Lawyer is behind a paywall online, but here's the relevant snippet I mentioned on the call: "Who Owns the Data? Users of networked medical devices may not have a clear chain of title to the data collected on the device. The medical device manufacturer of third parties may claim ownership of data by virtue of limitations in the purchase agreement or license for the device or they may have patents, software agreements, or trade secrets that limit what the user can do with the data collected on the device. Healthcare providers can avoid this protential problem by making sure they receive an irrevocable license, granting them exclusive rights to de-idenitfy, aggregate, commercially use, and transfer all data collected by the medical device. ...."

(I was thinking that whatever rights are needed, the user/wearer of the device should be the one getting them first, whoever that is, and then the clinician if they're second in line! And building UMA, and our legal toolkit(s), into the permissioning approach would be a good safeguard for the manufacturers to use. :-) )

Finally, I've attached a slightly revised version of the "consent layers" diagram I showed here.

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl