Wish I could attend this one, but for anyone else who is interested...

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mary Ellen Zurko <maryellen.zurko@usenix.org>
Date: Mon, May 8, 2017 at 5:40 PM
Subject: Register Now for SOUPS 2017!
To: "eve@xmlgrrl.com" <eve@xmlgrrl.com>

SOUPS 2017, July 12–14, 2017, Santa Clara, CA, USA


Please join us in Santa Clara, CA, on July 12–14, 2017, for the Thirteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security. SOUPS 2017 will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners in human computer interaction, security, and privacy.

Register by Monday, June 19, to take advantage of the early bird registration discount. The hotel reservation discount deadline is also June 19, so book your room today.

SOUPS 2017 will feature technical papers, a poster session, panels and invited talks, lightning talks and demos, and workshops and tutorials. The full program will be available in June. See the list of open calls below:

SOUPS 2017 is co-located with USENIX ATC '17.

We look forward to seeing you in Santa Clara!

Mary Ellen Zurko
SOUPS 2017 General Chair

For more information and frequent updates regarding SOUPS, please check out our Facebook page.

Please use soups17chair@usenix.org to contact Mary Ellen Zurko. The email address maryellen.zurko@usenix.org is for automated list management only.

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