Dear all,

After a bit of a hiatus, while I was taking a break to relocate from the UK to San Francisco in the US, I am excited to be able to rejoin our regular calls, and this working group as a non-voting but participating member. 

While I have met some of you in person, I see there are new members in the group as well. So therefore for a quick intro: I lead the services group at Simeio and I have several years experience in customer facing roles, assisting clients in multiple verticals define IAM strategies and deliver solutions. I hope I can contribute to this group in a meaningful way, and look forward to the opportunity to working with you all.

Regards,  -Abhi


Abhimanyu Yadav Vice President

(m) +1 512 771 8659

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On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 8:23 AM, Eve Maler <> wrote:

Date and Time


Eve Maler | cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl | Calendar:

WG-UMA mailing list

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