Hi Andrew,

Your question is very important. It's not clear to me what aspects of UMA need to be specified in order for it to add a huge amount of value. The less needs to be specified, the more universal the authorization server will be.

I see the ROI Form as entirely designed, administered, and archived by the RS. This is the practice today and it would be a huge adoption barrier to try and change that. If we can keep the ROI form in the RS domain the issues of region or vertical domain specificity that you raise will be moot.

How little of the ROI form needs to be standardized in order for Alice to be able to specify her UMA Authorization Server? As long as the AS needs to be contacted at least once for every client-RqP transaction at the protected resource, the RO gains the value of centralized accounting for disclosures and centralized revocation and the RS gains security and more of a safe harbor from privacy risks.


On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Andrew Hindle <andrew@hindleconsulting.com> wrote:
Hi Adrian: thanks for sending though the example.   How region-specific is this?  For example: assuming such forms exists in other countries (UK or Japan, for example), are we likely to find the same essential elements?  Or are there features that are properly specific to given jurisdictions?  In which case, anything that's designed from these from a specifications standpoint probably needs to account for that....


On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Adrian Gropper <agropper@healthurl.com> wrote:
The ROI form is one of the three common legal documents in healthcare. (The other two are the Notice of Privacy Practices that's a meaningless and often unsigned notification about HIPAA and informed consent notices for specific procedures. )

The ROI form (attached) is quite typical and demonstrates all of the common elements. I've annotated it with the UMA terms. Jim Hazard and I have some experience translating the ROI form into the Common Accord format.

I see the ROI form as the institutional complement to the 4 use-cases I shared last week. The use-cases were presented entirely from Alice's perspective. The ROI form is presented entirely from the service provider perspective.

There is, of course, a third dimension: the third parties and intermediaries in the real world that have contractual relationships with Alice and her service provider. These are sometimes called Business Associates in healthcare and sometimes overlap with federations. Alice's third parties often look like software clients and apps.



Adrian Gropper MD

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Andrew Hindle
Hindle Consulting Limited


Adrian Gropper MD

RESTORE Health Privacy!
HELP us fight for the right to control personal health data.

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