Great work! As we considered "consent" vs other words in the conversation today, the GDPR's vocabulary seemed important, because it is likely to have great influence on privacy, in Europe and outside. http://www.commonaccord.org/index.php?action=doc&file=/Wx/eu/europa/eur-lex/GDPR/Comment/Consent/0.md A thought occurred to me - what if privacy policies and similar agreements relating to privacy mapped to the organization of provisions of the GDPR and reused, to the extent reasonable, the vocabulary of the GDPR. This would provide a base for a common taxonomy. The taxonomy would prove inadequate or undesirable, at least in detail, in many circumstances, but it is an influential starting place. Some time ago, I played with this notion in connection with the CPBR - the proposed US Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights. Like the GDPR, the CPBR calls for organizations (like Kantara?) to create charters that can be used by companies. I played out the idea as a privacy policy that referenced a charter, which in turn mapped to (was mostly made from) the CPBR. The resulting privacy policy is goofy, but it demonstrates a chain-of-text that connects all the layers of the conversation. http://www.commonaccord.org/index.php?action=list&file=Wx/gov/whitehouse/OMB/Legislative/Letters/cpbr-act-of-2015/ The GDPR has the additional advantage of being quite complete, actually enacted, available in many languages, etc. http://www.commonaccord.org/index.php?action=doc&file=/Wx/eu/europa/eur-lex/GDPR/Form/0.md#Article.Sec On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+ legal+subgroup+notes#UMAlegalsubgroupnotes-2016-09-02 2016-09-02
- Working session on User-Managed Access (UMA) in Contractual and Regulatory Contexts <https://docs.google.com/a/wunderlich.ca/document/d/1HGM5-PoJFMnepyrTX91hqHKQ-qNgNxgQjkzqod7Otto/edit?usp=sharing> - Eve will try to press ahead with lots of editing AIs prior to the call - Adrian and Kathleen have sent various suggestions in list/private email in the last month we should review
Attending: Eve, Kathleen, Ann, John W, Mary, Jim
We did a ton of work in the document.
If you haven't seen it, the latest version of the slides with the "legal use cases" is here <http://www.slideshare.net/ForgeRock/usermanaged-access-why-and-how-access-control-in-digital-contract-contexts>. Please feel free to share it.
See also Jim's CommonAccord capture of the GDPR <http://www.commonaccord.org/index.php?action=doc&file=/Wx/eu/europa/eur-lex/GDPR/Form/0.md#Article.4.11.sec> .
*Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl
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