Hello to all our legal eagles! As you may recall, we wrapped up our 2015 work season with several things:
Jim Hazard and I kept up a steady pace this holiday season, through thick wifi and thin. :-) We accomplished three things.

1. Tomorrow we should be able to share a new draft of the model text that takes into account most or all of the feedback we got in the last meeting for your consideration. We may or may not have time to delve into all of it, however, depending how the following other discussion items go.

2. We hammered out a high-level set of requirements to better guide our model text design, as follows, and would like to walk through this and get feedback:
  • For efficiency, security, and transaction soundness, we want to enable the benefits of DRY [Don’t Repeat Yourself] and reusability as we develop UMA model text
  • We want the agreement builders of today not to be cut out of the loop in achieving the first requirement
  • For efficiency, we want to focus our model text efforts on UMA access federation enablement
  • We want to provide a user-friendly online environment for reusing UMA model text
  • We want users to be able to incorporate other text they are certain to need in their agreements that also include UMA model text
  • We want users to be able to choose their own formatting in reusing UMA model text, to the extent practical
  • We want users to be able to choose their own punctuation, grammar, and language paradigms in reusing our model text, to the extent practical
3. Most importantly, I can present to you a candidate mission, six-month timeline, and process that I hope you will feel makes good use of your time and expertise. Please take a look and let me know what you think. I will also be reaching out to you individually.

  • Retain the UMA legal subgroup as a cohesive subentity of the UMA WG

  • Next roadmap period to focus on: January-June 2016

  • Next goals to focus on:

    • Quickly publish the draft model text for external review (target #DPD16, which is January 28?)

    • Quickly gather requirements for development of the environment for using the model clauses

      • “Accordioned” until we know the final answer on our available budget

    • Oversee and “guinea-pig” the environment development work

  • Propose to continue the subgroup meeting series for this period

    • Because the right contributors to these activities will largely be SMEs -- those with legal knowledge and experience

    • Stick with existing time slot or identify new one?

Start outreach to external reviewer candidates immediately


Date and Time

  • Review proposed mission and timeline
  • Review high-level requirements
  • Review latest candidate model text


Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl