
Roll call

Quorum was reached.

Approve minutes

Approve minutes of UMA telecon 2016-08-16: APPROVED by unanimous consent.


Eve will move next week's call to Friday, same time. Sorry in advance for the hassles!

Review latest editors' draft specs

The AAT, as was (in today's UMA), has been awkward because it forces early binding of the RqP/AS relationship, it forces (for all practical purposes) the RO's AS to have a persisted account for the RqP, and it forces the RqP to have an identifier at this AS. It's rather too centralized and too soon. But removing the AAT is too lossy because the notion of capturing the RqP's approval has gone away. Then again,  ...

John W calls the token thingie we're trying to build a "nightclub stamp" vs. a heavier credential like a passport or just a typical login credential. The AS can make the saved preference as light (e.g. it doesn't have to have a local login at all, or force its creation immediately at old-AAT time) or as heavy (it could impose it relatively soon) as it needs to. It can be longer than a "login session" because it's supposed to be static and attached to the lifetime of an RPT (or whatever we end up calling an RPT).

Justin's latest email seems to be saying that the AAT couldn't possibly let the RqP authorize the pushing of specific claims, only let them authorize the pushing of any claims willy nilly. Let's find out if things could be any different in the future. (See the "wide ecosystem challenge analysis" doc.)

How do we solve this without reinventing "backwards UMA" at Alice's AS on Bob's behalf? Ideally, if Bob actually has an AS protecting his (say) attributes/identity claims, then an UMA-protected UserInfo endpoint could simply handle Alice's AS (as a claims client/RP) making requests for that information. But in the circumstance where Bob doesn't have an AS, Kathleen is asking where his delegation/consent should be stored. Are we just talking about a lightweight persistence of his preference for convenient UX reasons? If this is consent by Bob for the client to send claims, is "delegation" a better term?

We do want to be sure Bob has a good experience, because onerous interaction experiences could force him to give up and seek out "worst practices" for access granting/data sharing with Alice. Adrian asks: Could sharing through a pseudonym or through non-uniquely identifying information be possible? In short, yes, depending on what policy condition/trust elevation capabilities an AS has decided to provide, and depending on the use cases needed.

(we ended the formal call and continued discussing for a bit)

Today, the spec text only accomplishes:

Design questions for next time:

Finally, why can't the AAT cover all such interactive approvals as well, as the current V1.0.x spec wording suggests? With the new draft wording, the notion of an "authorization interface" that encompasses the interaction between the AS the the RqP admits a more formal way to describe the RqP's approval that we maybe overstated as being under the authorization API before in Sec 1.3.2. Also, Ishan notes that with this new token thingie, we're back up to "three tokens". So what are the pros and cons of the previous three-token model vs. the new one?

Simple descriptions of "Bob's experience" before and after (comments welcome):

Link to the slides Eve showed: Webinar from May 2015 (see slide 15).

Client awareness of scopes and set math

See 2016-06-022016-06-16, and 2016-08-04 notes. Last time we said: "Let's discuss client registration for scopes more next time."

Ha. (smile)


As of 31 Aug 2016, quorum is 6 of 10. (Domenico, Sal, Nagesh, Andi, Robert, Maciej, Eve, Jeffrey, Mike, Sarah)

  1. Domenico
  2. Andi
  3. Robert
  4. Eve
  5. Jeffrey
  6. Mike
  7. Sarah

Non-voting participants:


Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl