
Attending: Eve, Adrian, Tim R, Paul L, John W, Mark L

The "Use Cases Deliverable 1b" document (in GDoc form) is now basically trapped in amber, so to speak, and the subgroup might tweak and change for our own purposes, e.g. starting a new version of our primer materials with this content, or editing this doc, but Tim will probably create the other two deliverables owed separately from this one.

AI: Eve: Convert the "salient factors" to hyperlinks in the doc.

The doc starts with legal considerations and use-case desiderata, moves to proposed use cases (which are "hybrid" in that they are as real-life as possible and mix various scenarios), and finally moves to UMA technical considerations that need to be solved. Today, let's analyze the use cases with the thought in mind to figure out whether there's a finite or infinite number of them to capture.

Should we "go there" when it comes to things like industrial IoT (IIoT or Industry 4.0)? We probably have to because the topic of national infrastructure and mass transportation with smart sensors has been coming up, and individuals interacting with these, with privacy implications. So we should probably include use cases for them.

We got through use case A and part of B. Tim is keen to keep use cases C and F, which might not at first blush seem directly applicable, because of the market need.

AI: All: Review the use cases doc (asking Eve for commenting privileges as necessary) in preparation for Friday's call.

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl