Hi folks— I’m having trouble FTPing the specs onto the Kantara site; I’m attaching them here so as not to delay your ability to review them. Please take your earliest opportunity to do a review, paying close attention to whichever issues you submitted or care most about. You can find the close-to-final Disposition of Comments doc here to help guide you:


Knowing US and Canada people have a long weekend coming up, let’s make the deadline for review THIS FRIDAY (or first thing Monday morning if that works for your schedule). I don’t think you should need more than about an hour to read through all this, especially if you focus on key passages of interest. Do please pay special attention to Grant Sec 3.3.4, Sec 3.3.6, and Sec 5.

If any issues are reported, I will turn around rev 08 drafts by first thing Tuesday morning and then start an e-ballot for Draft Recommendation approval, and then w can get the resulting specs to the Leadership Council for certification for All-Member Ballot.

Thank you for your awesome efforts on the disposition of all the comments!

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl