7 Dec
7 Dec
11:41 p.m.
https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/uma/pages/119406593/UMA+telecon+20... UMA telecon 2022-12-08Date and Time - Primary-week Thursdays 06:30am PT; Secondary-week Thursdays 10:00am PT - Screenshare and dial-in: https://zoom.us/j/99487814311?pwd=dTAvZi9uN0ZmeXJReWRrc1Zycm5KZz09 - United States: +1 346 248 7799, Access Code: 994 8781 4311 - See UMA calendar for additional details: https://kantara.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/uma/pages/4857518/Calendar </wiki/spaces/uma/pages/4857518> Agenda - Approve minutes since UMA telecon 2022-06-30 </wiki/spaces/uma/pages/14352423> - Kantara AGM - FAPI and UMA next steps. OAuth compatible UMA version - AOB