Passing along a message from Heather regarding a really interesting opportunity available to UMAnitarians at the upcoming IIW. If you're interested to take advantage of this opportunity (either a 3-minute or a 1-minute sponsored video), or have questions, please get in touch with Phil/Heather! (If you haven't worked with her before, she does some great stuff. I got to join her for episode 1 of her Future of Wearables podcast series, here...)


As part of IIW's mission to educate people about iInternet identity, we've been looking for ways to document the journey IIW participants have been on over the last 11 years. Thanks to the support of a generous sponsor we are going to make a movie! 

We'll have a professional film crew at IIW in April to interview people who have played a role in advancing the cause of Internet identity. Long-time IIW participant and friend @heathervescent is producing the film for us. The interviews will be made into a short documentary about the story of Internet identity. 

In addition to the primary Internet Identity documentary film, we're creating a series of 3-minute documentaries on specific Internet Identity technologies. So far we have commitments for U2F Technology, Open ID Connect, and Internet of Things. 

The film would be promoted along with the main IIW one, and you could use it on your website and for any company/technology evangelism, marketing or promotion. $3500 is ridiculously cheap for this kind of thing - the production crew itself costs more than this but we're able to keep this cost down thanks to adding it onto the IIW film production.

There's also a 1 minute "pitch" film for $1500. 

Contact Phil ( for sponsorship, and Heather ( for production details.



Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl