Let’s cancel tomorrow’s meeting. I’d like us to meet post-IETF 105 (in August) in our Thursday meeting series for sure, and also to consider profiles and extensions that get submitted. If you have written such a spec or might be candidate for doing such, please expect a targeted note from me about this topic. For now, it looks like our Tuesday meeting series (business-legal) will be more consistent. If you have any questions, please let me know. Because I have an Internet outage at my house, I won’t be able to cancel tomorrow’s meeting in the official calendar for a little while yet! Also please note: The chair and vice-chair positions are coming up for (re)election. If you are a voting participant and would like to stand for one of the positions or nominate someone, please let me know. I’m going to construct an e-ballot. Eve (sent from my iPhone, possibly with Siri's "help": +1-425-345-6756)