https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q5BGr4THTPai-PKJLZ0_N1ZTsKDzBD795XPicCQI... is a short, editable document that attempts to define a sovereign technology based on work at this IIW. Blockchain, UMA, and FIDO can all be combined and understood as enablers of totally decentralized systems with no privacy policies or institutional contracts required. This paper that Doc pointed out http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2744751 introduces the case for sovereign technology today:
"The basic economics of blockchain can be thought of the case for why decentralized solutions to ledgers, now technically possible, are likely to become increasingly cost effective compared to centralized solutions as they run down three exponential cost curves: (1) Moore’s law (cost of processing digital information, i.e. speed, halves every 18 months); (2) Kryder’s Law (cost of storing digital information, i.e. memory, halves every 12 months); and (3) Nielsen’s Law (cost of shipping digital information, i.e. bandwidth, halves every 24 months) (Wiles 2015)"
All of us as individuals can now own sovereign technology if we want to. The only question is how much of our budget should be dedicated to sovereign technology. My interest is primarily around decision support for health, but this could just as well include VRM and advertising in general. A small investment in sovereign technology allows one to leverage a huge market impact on decision support services. A sovereign technology perspective helps inform our work on standards as well as privacy. It offers a new perspective on services that ask for prior consent as an alternative to respect for our technology as our agent in their data use and sharing transactions. Accounting for the 10 sovereign technology components enables us to apportion our technology budget appropriately and it makes it easier to interpret the privacy policies of the services we choose (or are forced) to grant access to our personal data. Please help improve this paper and suggest where we go from here. Adrian -- Adrian Gropper MD PROTECT YOUR FUTURE - RESTORE Health Privacy! HELP us fight for the right to control personal health data. DONATE: http://patientprivacyrights.org/donate-2/