19 Jan
19 Jan
8:06 a.m.
If you have *action items*, this is a great chance to try to complete them. (I'm aware that several are weighing on my own head. :-) Also, our 2016 APAC-friendly sync meetings don't start up again until next week. As always, you can check the meeting schedule by looking at our online *calendar* <http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Calendar>. If you haven't received an *invitation* to any of these meeting series and would like to, drop me a private note and I'll add you. Also, if you'd like to receive *Skype* pings about impending meetings a few minutes before they start, let me know your Skype handle and I'll add you to our chat group. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl