Hi all-- The agenda for our call yesterday tried to summarize what I think is the most up-to-date list of ideas I've heard so far: - Examining solutions for wide ecosystem challenges (Eve's challenge analysis doc <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lJXDFzlq8j-m0f8mELjqYcX6PPcYSjOuxiGHzwU7dDE/edit?usp=sharing>) – look at: - UMA-protected UserInfo? (various) *[Mike]* - Different patterns of Alice's AS and RS's accepting and providing federated logins? (Adrian) - "Multi-party" proposal? (Justin) (engages with #APIsec and #simplify use case buckets too) *[also #IoT as discussed on Thursday]* - AS requests claims and client does act_as Bob to send them? (Mike, James) - Alice's AS dynamically gets client credentials to Bob's claim sources? (various) *[Eve]* - Meta-suggestion: Should trust elevation methods be modularized? (James) - Others? Can the people identified above please take action items to present at upcoming calls? If you're not clear on what this is about, or if you can't do this action, please let me know. Thanks! And remember, we've got some upcoming "holes" in our Q2 WG meeting schedule. I've just deleted some of our Thursday meetings (Fridays haven't been impacted yet), with possibly a couple more to come. We've got some exciting work coming up, so let's try to press ahead with offline prep such as this. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl