As the lead for the NCCoE ABAC effort I’ve been following the UMA effort for sometime now. Congrats to the whole UMA team on the progress you have made getting to 1.0.
If any one is interested, I’d welcome an offline conversation about ways in which UMA could be included in the NCCoE ABAC capabilities demonstration or any other applicable NCCoE efforts.
Thanks! -Bill
Bill Fisher
Security Engineer
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
Interesting how the paper uses it essentially as a lowercase description of the use case for individual control over attribute release. Indeed, the phrase (and goal!) seem to be entering the lexicon...
Way to go!!
On Friday, August 14, 2015, Adrian Gropper <> wrote:
The ABAC one-pager mentions UMA by name.
We're in the big leagues!
Happy weekend,
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National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence <>
Date: Friday, August 14, 2015
Subject: NCCoE Seeks Collaborators for Access Control, PIV, and Mobile Device Security Projects
Today's Federal Register contains notices inviting technology vendors to collaborate with the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence on three new projects to provide mobile device security, attribute based access control, and derived personal
identity verification (PIV) credentials for mobile devices. Commercially available and open source products will be the modules in end-to-end example solutions to these challenges. All collaborators will enter into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
see an example) with NIST in order to participate in a consortium for each build team. The projects will result in NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guides that show organizations how they can adopt these or similar capabilities.
Companies with product characteristics that meet the desired characteristics in the Federal Register notices can submit letters of interest indicating that they'd like to work on one or more of these projects. Each Federal Register notice contains
instructions for how to submit a letter of interest.
Project pages and Federal Register notices can be found at:
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