
Roll call

Approve minutes

Andi motions to approve ALL the minutes! Sal seconds. Motion Approved

Julie Use-case Report

Have resolved current comments, link to V0.2 Editor's Draft: Julie Use-case Report

Alec motions to move the Report to a Working Group Draft. Andi Seconds. Hearing no objections, motions passes!

Thanks to all the editor's and contributors who got the report to this point!!

UMA and Other Standards (UDAP, etc)

This sheets starts to organize the comparison

The HEART WG is having a session on this topic, will be April 4 2-3PM ET. Link and invite should be shared on the oidc heart mailing list: 

Eve, Nancy and Alec plan to attend. 

Show UMAs understanding in relation to other standards. Could we introduce UMA to the HL7 connectathons?

Correlated Authorization Updates

European Identity Conference  May 10-13, 2022 | Berlin

Kantara has a 4-hour workshop the day before the conference. Is anyone planning to attend in person? Steve, Andi, George

Do we want some of that time to present/get feedback on some of our work? Eg to review and solicit feedback on the Julie report

Potential Future Work Items / Meeting Topics

Upcoming Conferences


Have had questions about UMA + DID and their relationships

Some OAuth folks see UMA as complex, and can rebuild the features with OAuth drafts

UMA is for wide ecosystems where the RO can control policy. OAuth doesn't go this far, everything is still oriented around 1AS/1RS


As of October 26, 2020, quorum is 5 of 9. (Michael, Domenico, Peter, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Alec, Eve, Steve)


Non-voting participants:
