Note: No meeting next week. https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+legal+subgroup+note... 2018-02-16 Attending: Eve, Colin, Jim, Thomas, Tim, Sal The International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM) <https://www.iaccm.com/> as 40K or so members. It's old and venerable and works on "the contract problem". For large businesses, this looks like: coming up with a legal vs. a business deal, being unable to react to events, having insufficiently agile contracts, etc. Marketing, purchasing, and other business roles are engaging. They have chapter and annual meetings: Europe, NA, and Australasia. Jim is now head of the tech community, a new role. His goal is to network and bring together the threads around improving transacting. Tim Cummins founded IACCM. They are increasingly aware that businesses must play in networks and supply chains. Does a KI/IACCM liaison make sense? Colin and Jim can talk offline about this possibility. What is the premise of machine readability in our model? The terms of the license in our model could be conveyed through the form of a smart contract or in some machine readable form. Jim: Smart contracts aren't really contracts. Thomas: All smart-contracts need (a) Digital Identities and (b) some way to control ledger access by those identitiers. I would think Kantara is best possition to address the "edges" of a blockchain system. Colin: Agree with you Thomas. Actually the folks starting to operationalize ID on the BC are opening up to conversations about how to assure those pieces.. after having said initially 'we're new, we're hip, we know everything'.. a year on there is some appreciation that the essence of many aspects of the identity assurance puzzle don't change - only the environment that they operate in.. Jim: And (following Thomas) the blockchains may be something like the "edges" between resource and authorization nodes. Regulators are only nibbling at the edges of really fundamental and core identity issues, which KI is perfectly positioned to weigh in on. And UMA2 is well positioned to answer permissioning questions. Are all the smart contract questions too big for now? What if we just go for the mappings that enable machine readability if you want it? If you can end up with stable text that can live at the end of a URL, that may be sufficient for now so that we don't go nuts trying to solve the world's smart contract identity problems before testing the UMA business model proposition in front of us. Our business model report focuses on the resource owner/data subject and requesting party/requesting party agent needs first. But what about the IACCM "personas"? For example, slide 11 in the Legal Role Definitions deck shows "delegation relationships" we haven't yet captured in the report: how a service provider becomes an RSO or a CO. They would get "purple arrows" because they're partially based on UMA technical artifacts (namely, OAuth client credentials). Would we want to output clause templates? Sounds like it. Jim: Think in terms of general engagement, specific engagement, deployment. See this example <http://www.commonaccord.org/index.php?action=doc&file=G/TechContractsCom-ITMA-CmA/Demo/Acme-Quake.md#GeneralTerm.Data.Sec>he's working with. The use case: A company is buying data processing or consulting services. In this case it's US domestic, but we want to make ours GDPR-enabled so that it compels a particular pipeline of enforcement actions. With all the subcontracting, Jim guesses that GDPR will dictate a lot of the contractual terms. We have to pick a use case. Two candidate we've talked about include: - Origo/Pensions Dashboard - Health IoT For our use case, will it require multiple natural languages? We'll have to see. It would an uninteresting test of UMA not to include the Federated Authorization portion of the specs, so let's assume we're including the "Licensing access granting permissions on RO's behalf" relationship portion. We also have to enumerate the legal devices that would be created. There are static and dynamic ones. - Agreement that turns a service provider into an RSO (wasn't included in business model report) - Agreement that turns a service (or app) provider into a CO (wasn't included in business model report) - Agreement that enables a Person to acts on behalf of a Data Subject - Agreement(s) that delegates authorization for an ASO to grant access permissions on behalf of an RO (typically Ts & Cs, privacy notice, EULA...) - Agreement(s) that delegates authorization for an RSO to manage resources on behalf of an RO (typically Ts & Cs, privacy notice, EULA...) - Does the PAT simply link to all these previous agreements in order to establish that the RO has agreed to the "licensing of access granting permissions on RO's behalf"? We think so - It's possible to profile UMA to require that the basis for PAT issuance is interactive vs. silent – this is something we could consider building in to the agreements above, to ensure that a human RO is given the change to consent in a GDPR-compliant way - There should be a way to force interactive user consent again if there is a new version of the agreement available - (to be continued next time - licensing of permissions and the requesting party side of the equation) Note that we have no meeting next week, Feb 23. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl