Everyone, please review the conclusion that James, Cigdem, and I have come to regarding this issue (really two issues) in the comment thread: https://github.com/KantaraInitiative/wg-uma/issues/354#issuecomment-32699450... Also, please expect to see a nicely cleaned-up Grant Sec 3.3.4 coming out with the edited specs by tonight. Cigdem (big props!) and James helped me debug this section and improve the worked example in it. *Particularly if you are a voting participant (Domenico, Sal, Andi, Maciej, Eve, Mike, Cigdem):* Please take a moment now to reserve an hour in your calendar (and/or the calendars of key colleagues) *TOMORROW* for final review of the specs. I will start the approval e-ballot on *Wednesday*. Thank you, and I hope the North Americans among you are having a good Labor Day! *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 2:28 PM, James Phillpotts < james.phillpotts@forgerock.com> wrote:
I've added a comment for what I think is the obvious, and simplest solution: to reference RFC6750, OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage. Apologies for not including it when first raising the issue.
Cheers James
On 30 August 2017 at 21:44, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
Please take a look and weigh in on this new issue as soon as you can (I have already done so in the thread). We do not have a call in which to discuss the issue live this week, so I will plan to draw editorial conclusions from the issue thread unless it seems there's some controversy that needs discussion.
After any required editing, I'd like to get our e-ballot under way by next Tuesday morning.
Eve Maler (sent from my iPad) | cell +1 425 345 6756 <(425)%20345-6756>
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