6 okt 2015 kl. 18:03 skrev Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com>:
You’re not alone. There’s an issue for approximately this:
We considered doing this prior to V1.0, but it didn’t quite make the cut for some reason. We even briefly considered telegraphing in V1.0.1 that we were planning to expand this eventually, so sure were we that we’re going to do this eventually (it’s backwards incompatible, so technically a V1.0.1 candidate).
Our initial thinking (I believe) was that multiple permissions would go in and a single ticket would come out.
That, I think, is the way to go.
Of course, now that you bring up an option B for how to do it, if people create extensions on their own without WG guidance, we’ll get incompatibilities out in the wild, which would be a shame. :-)
Personally I don’t like option B. It opens up for a Client to mix and match between tickets it has received.
Does it make sense to write up a “third-party profile” just to propose a standardized way to do it that everyone can agree on/like, and then we can flow that into V1.1 or whatever when the time is right?
Your proposal in the issue referenced above works for me. The right time is now :-) — Roland 'Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you think before you break ’em.’ - Terry Pratchett