I'm pleased to report that the Draft Recommendations, which our WG approved to progress to the LC, and which the LC certified in a very efficient amount of time, have been put into All-Member Ballot by Kantara staff in a likewise extremely efficient manner. Special thanks to Andrew Hughes and Megan Cannon for their assistance!

I have prepared a Get Out The vote (GOTV) Google spreadsheet to help us reach out to Kantara members and member reps individually, to make the best use of this two-week balloting period. It will go by FAST. I invite you all to please help by going into the spreadsheet (I will share with any WG participant who requests access), filling in Kantara member/rep names, and -- especially -- marking yourself down as a "champion" to reach out personally to ask these people ASAP to vote YES on the ballot. There are tabs in the spreadsheet that even suggest email template text to make things extra easy. ;)

By the way, several Kantara individual members are also UMA WG participants, and I will be dropping each of you a note shortly!

Thank you -- please do take action on this as soon as you can, because the ballot runs from today only until DECEMBER 11!

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl