Eve, You may be right that UMA does not inject a new "data by reference" solution but your use-cases are completely different from mine and I reach a very different conclusion. In my use-cases, Alice owns her AS vs. all of yours where she owns the RS. The situation in healthcare has shown little value for Alice owning her RS or outsourcing it. We call Alice's RS a Personal Health Record (PHR). PHRs have failed spectacularly in the marketplace (I'm responsible for $4.2 M and 7 years of that failed market myself) because processing data from the PHR is very expensive for the recipient client. The data has lost provenance (because digital signatures are still uncommon) and it's always stale. Worst of all, the "scope" problem is practically insoluble. The vast majority of data has been munged through two scope filters: first when it fas grabbed from the source RS to the PHR and second when it goes from the PHR to the client. The lack of a consistent data model for the PHR as intermediary RS doesn't help either. The result of this scope problem is twofold. First, because the in and out scopes don't match in the temporal sense, the PHR has a lot of redundancy and lacks the authority (such as a professional license) to eliminate the redundancy. Second, and much more expensive, the client that gets data from the PHR receives a lot of abnormal results that it did not order and now has the liability of dealing or not dealing with these abnormalities. No doctor is paid to deal with this kind of thing and no patient or payer wants to have repeat follow-up for things that have already been addressed in a prior context. The reason UMA is going to take over healthcare is because it solves all of the problems of PHRs as intermediaries. Why UMA and not health information exchanges (HIE)? States and the feds have spent more than a decade and many $Billions trying to map the interoperability problem onto a "trusted" intermediary called a HIE. Some of these HIEs act as an RS, transacting the data by value and have most of the same issues as the PHR above. Many HIEs however have adopted the "by reference" model and only manage consent to participate, discovery, and authorization for access. This maps into the AS role in UMA with the AS is operated by a "trusted" institution, the HIE, as part of a federation with RSs and clients. The problem with the institutional HIE as AS is different from the PHR or HIE "by value" approach and it's _governance_. When it comes to data about human beings, the governance of the AS intermediary may be impossible. The reason is that society is not well equipped to govern activities related to unlicensed actors. Patients are unlicensed actors. This governance problem first shows up as difficulty deciding whether to use an "opt-in" or an "opt-out" consent model for participation in the HIE. Then it shows up in trying to federate access to the HIE over broad ranges of clients ranging form federal facilities (the VA, Medicare), state facilities, multi-$Billion hospitals, solo MDs in another state, nursing homes, pharmacies, home health aides, .... All of these are potential clients of the HIE and federations of such strange bedfellows are difficult to govern. It gets worse when you add IoT. My thesis is that the only solution is to enable Alice to build, run, or outsource her AS. This avoids the PHR scopes problem and much of the HIE governance problem. The federations, be they authentication or authorization federations, still add significant value, but they have to compete with Alice building or running her own AS and that keeps the federated system honest, market-based, and potentially governable. As I see it, the problem for UMA and HEART is relatively obvious: ensure that the RS is implemented in a way that makes the AS substitutable. This is what I'm hoping HEART will figure out and it's something a couple of us are building around the MITREid Connect implementation - with very limited resources. It's not clear to us that are working on this whether this prospect of millions of potential ASs is compatible with UMA 1.0. Apparently this is related to the #154 issue which I'm still trying to understand. Adrian On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:
(I’m going to snip the lower part of this thread to focus on the “data by reference” point. I’m also going to inject UMA technical terms so we can be very clear about our mappings.)
UMA does not inject a new “data by reference” solution where before there was none. So I don’t know if we have a super-duper new set of tools at our disposal. Some concrete examples:
1. Alice sets up a resource server RS1 at home to host her self-asserted personal information (she prefers “aisle”, “nonsmoking”, “room near the elevator”, and nickname “Allie”). RS1 is at alice.com, managed entirely by here, hosted by her ISP. She hooks it up to an authorization server AS1 to control release of this information to her travel agent, requesting party Bob, using client app C1 for making travel arrangements.
Importantly, the client app really does “GET” her data. It may cache or store it for short or long periods of time, possibly depending on her (nontechnically imposed) constraints, and it may refresh what it stored periodically, if her policies allow that.
2. Same, except alice.com is managed by Google.
Meant to highlight the “cloud” aspect of hosting.
3. Alice uploads a photo she took to RS2, Flixr.com. The requesting party is Charlie at the framing shop and the client app is C2 for printing photos on canvas, for mounting. Otherwise the same.
Meant to highlight the “joint data rights ownership” aspect, and that she has nothing to do with the hosting.
4. Alice uses RS3, which hosts her credit score and credit record, to check out her financial picture. The requesting party is financial officer David and the client app is C3 for assessing bank clients’ suitability for personal loans. Otherwise the same.
Meant to highlight that Alice “owns” even fewer aspects of the data, in that she didn’t even contribute anything to the “value” of the data.
5. Alice is a video game community manager, and for work she uses RS4, which is Twitter — a modern Twitter that is UMA-enabled. Its API is very rich, and it allows calls for both GETting and POSTing status updates. The requesting party is her colleague Eric, and he uses a client app C4, a third-party Twitter app that posts status updates to the corporate account she controls. Otherwise the same.
Meant to highlight that clients don’t just receive data, they can insert data into a supposedly “authoritative source” RS.
I realize that in today’s pre-UMA environment, there’s a robust understanding of data controllers and data processors (in various jurisdictions), but I’m not sure exactly how the lines are drawn. In an environment with UMA in the picture, does anything change? What roles would the AS, the not-Alice requesting parties, and the resource servers and client applications in play?
On 18 Aug 2015, at 10:50 AM, Mark Lizar <mark@smartspecies.com> wrote:
HI Jeff,
[some comments inline]
I think you are suggesting that there needs to be a scenario in which Alice controls certain data and authorizes specific uses of the data without transferring the data to Bob. Bob can view or print (as in a label), but cannot electronically save the data. (Of course, printing the data is a form of saving the data, because the label can be copied or OCRed to recover Alice's address in electronic form.)
Perhaps Bobs Health Widget uses a delivery company, which uses a 3rd party trust framework, that is verified and audited by another intdependant third party to ensure to Alice that her address is not accessed, saved or copied by Bob’s Health Widgets. So the name, the contents of the package and the address are separated so no one party can have all three bits of data?
How does Bob’s widgets advertise that they have these privacy and security practices, which are different than Dave’s Widget company? Is Bob’s Widgets more trust worthy than Dave’s?
In one context, Privacy by Design is a container for trusting process that Dave’s company asserts when collecting Alice’s consent and data ( to effectively control the data rights management) Because Dave’s company holds Alice’s data, Dave’s company is subject then to Data Protection laws and Privacy by Design certifies that he encrypts Alices data and doesn’t leak it. 3
In the context of Bob’s Health widgets’ he doesn’t need privacy by design, and is not liable to data protection, because Bob may never hold’s Alice’s Data.
Notionally, this sounds like a good idea, but enforcement would be
tricky. If Bob is actually Bob's Widget company and Alice orders a widget and provides her address under this scenario, what happens if Alice's widget never arrives? Bob cannot tell Alice what address the widget shipped to, because he no longer has a record of the address.
Enforcement can happen in a number of ways: - fines by law - breach of contract - reputation damage - 3rd party audit for compliance - trust framework enrolment process or customer software
and so on.
The issue that we are running into full speed is that some data does not have a single "owner". When Alice transacts with Bob, both are parties to the transaction. Whether or not Bob is an individual or an institution, I would assert that the transaction data is as much his as it is Alice's. In fact, in many jurisdictions, there are legal reasons (e.g., "Know Your Customer" in the US) for Bob to maintain certain information about Alice. And when a third-party payment system is involved (e.g., a credit card or PayPal), they would also have a stake in the transaction, giving them a stake in (some of) the data, as well.
This problem has not been solved, yet. And I don't think that there is anything in UMA that takes on this challenge. UMA solves several use cases, but does not claim to solve this one.
I think we need to be careful trying to avoid applying UMA to problems that are beyond its scope just because it is such an elegant solution to portions of the problem.
I think what we are exploring here is the transference of liability, through consent, access control, and data control scenario’s. If Alice has the freshest copy of her own aggregate data, and she sets a notice that Dave no longer has a accurate data, then legally, with the proposed EU laws I believe Dave will no longer be allowed to process that data.
In this regard I can imagine IOT scenario’s where data is only valid when it’s live data. (but that’s just me)
Best ,
Eve Maler | cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl | Calendar: xmlgrrl@gmail.com
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