4 Dec
4 Dec
12:23 a.m.
- *Fri Dec 4* 8-9am PT - Voice: Skype: +99051000000481 or US +1-805-309-2350 (international dial-in lines <https://www.turbobridge.com/join.html>), room code 178-2540# - Screen sharing: http://join.me/findthomas - *NOTE:* *IGNORE* the join.me dial-in line shown here in favor of the dial-in info above (Kantara "line C" and the Skype line) - UMA calendar: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Calendar - Limits of delegation: Breach liability "safe harbor", audit, and notice when resource servers accept dynamic registration of a resource-owner specified authorization server. - AOB -- Adrian <http://patientprivacyrights.org/donate-2/>