Apologies for cross-posting to multiple lists. 

A new mailing list is spinning up to discuss a potential abstraction that could include the “auditable transaction receipt” and “consent receipt” concepts in its milieu. This would be covering the technical aspects of the receipt construct, as well as potentially the delivery and notification aspects of these kinds of objects. If you’re interested in that conversation, please join the list.

 — Justin

Begin forwarded message:

From: Phil Hunt <phil.hunt@oracle.com>
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Announcing new Identity Events Discussion List (id-event)
Date: November 3, 2015 at 3:13:33 PM GMT+9
To: SCIM WG <scim@ietf.org>, "<oauth@ietf.org>" <oauth@ietf.org>
Cc: <id-event@ietf.org>

At IETF94, a number of us got together to discuss the emerging event work that is emerging in the Identity space:

* OIDC Logout
* SCIM Notify Events
* OAuth Token Revocations
* Consent Events

The Id-Event discussion list is intended to begin discussion around developing new IDs (and potentially form a WG) for the purpose of defining a JWT message format for Identity Events and to define a possible approach for distribution.

The list was formed after several participants noticed common event requirements that have emerged from SCIM provisioning, OIDC (eg. Logout), RISC Events (e.g. account suspension, reset, take-over), as well as OAuth2 (e.g. token revocations), and consent notification (e.g. consent from a distributes OAuth/UMA system).

At this time, the process and route to standardization for identity events has not been determined. I expect that to be one of the discussions we will have on the list.

The web page for the mailing list is: 



OAuth mailing list