Hi Eve, 

A couple of observations: 

Have been going through the process of considering grantor and grantee.  This led to considering the terms Consentor and the Consentee. which seems very useful for the consent receipt specification.  But, these are terms with little used descriptions and there are already terms that are defined in standards and regulation.  PI Subject, PI Controller,  are technically more interoperable with laws and existing well defined privacy control frameworks. 

I was definitely thinking these terms could be useful to describe direction of privileges or rights.   ‘grants’ or with consentee ‘rights’ - I went as far to consider wether  Grantor is useful for describing a context where someone uses their consent to agree to terms of services, vs. if someone is the 'Consentee’  to a privacy policy, for the use of their personal data.  (bit of a grey area)

I.e  Could the Consentee, grant consent to the Grantor of the service? 

If I am not mistaken, from a User Centric and perhaps Privacy perspective, could Grantor be confused as a grantee?  Should Grantor be accompanied by the term  Consentee? would this address the privacy confusion issue?   (i must admit I don’t know) 

There definitely does seem to be a gap for these terms (grantor and consentee) in an operational context.  especially when discussing event based consent interactions that provide authorisation at a technical level.   

Also, PI Subject is three words which is long and a bit obtuse, if we could also use  a single and more operationally specific term i.e.   Consentee.  that would be very useful. !  

- Mark 

On 2 Apr 2016, at 15:37, Eve Maler <eve@xmlgrrl.com> wrote:

After doing a bunch of somewhat related work having to do with consent, and working with the word Grantee in the "requesting party" slot, I came to really appreciate it for its brevity, and believe that it could suffice for our model definition purposes.

The definition might turn into something like this. Thoughts?

A {Person} to whom a {Grantor} may grant access to a digital data resource, and who, if granted access, uses a {Client} to achieve that access. In any one case a {Grantee} may be the same as, or different from, the {Grantor} or {Resource Subject}.

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl

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