http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+telecon+2015-12-10 MinutesRoll call Quorum was not reached. Approve minutes Deferred Kantara All-Member Ballot is open till Dec 23 The staff is broadcasting the survey <https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/737G5MJ>, and making sure that any non-member who participates in the survey will be removed from the totals. It's great to do get-out-the-vote activities! The list of members <https://kantarainitiative.org/members/> is here. *AI:* Eve: Reach out to past and potential volunteers to contact Kantara members to ask them to vote in favor of passage. NZ case study availability Colin W has provided a version of the NZ Ministry of Education's Delegations POC closure report that can be published. Exciting stuff! Everyone is encouraged to read, discuss, and publicize the report. Adrian is currently working with the US government on delegation matters. He is looking into the question of delegation to the *agent* of a patient, in the form of the authorization server. The US feds have formed an API task force that is issuing recommendations next year (N.B.: not legal guidance). *AI:* Eve: Publish the NZ report on the Case Studies <http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Case+Studies> page. Holiday greetings on the home page Thanks, Domenico! Status of budget request The board is considering all the requests as part of 2016 planning. They are considering time-sensitive ones first, and ours doesn't fall under this category. So we can expect news probably mid-January. The timeline we identified in the request would be pushed out accordingly. CIS and the UMA masterclass CIS is 6-9 June 2016 in New Orleans. The CfP is opening next week. Please pay attention and consider submitting. What were "workshops" are now "masterclasses". Eve has taken on the duty of delivering – or finding someone to deliver – an UMA masterclass. It's made of three 45-minute sections. *AI:* All: If anyone is interested to deliver the masterclass, drop Eve a note. Further discussion of IETF interest related to UMA (and I-D publishing interest?) Justin notes that the OAuth list hasn't seen any "API security/UMA/RSR" discussion since the Japan meeting. The cultural dynamic of IETF is to spend a lot of face time at meetings to see progress, and there may be a "spec penalty" in terms of incompatible changes. Mike would like to see UMA go to IETF because of IETF's larger community. Justin agrees with the size of community, but doesn't agree with moving UMA. Eve sees UMA's natural constituency more aligned with the Kantaras, OIDFs, and OIXes of the world. Is it a question of getting OAuth developers to "accept UMA"? If the current WG works, then Justin suggests: Keep it where it is! Then perhaps the only question is about the expired I-Ds. Eve asked Hannes about Justin's innovative solution to that (switch the I-Ds to information, remove the content, and replace it with links out to the current content). *AI:* Editors: Refresh the I-Ds (at least the two technical specs and not Binding Obs?) with Justin's innovative solution. Permission registration extension spec review and discussion We need to rev this up again. Kick off roadmap and charter refresh discussions Our current charter is here <http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/Charter>. We know that use cases of interest include: - Local token introspection (interesting for IoT and more) - Permission registration extension - Wide ecosystems and how the AAT and identity claims tie in - (Add your own in the coming weeks) Let's also pump up the UIG. *AI:* Eve: Extend the meeting calendar invitations through 2016. Attendees As of 9 Dec 2015, quorum is 8 of 14. (François, Domenico, Sal, Thomas, Andi, Mary, Robert, Maciej, Eve, Søren, Sourav, Lisa, Arlene, Mike) 1. Eve 2. Andi 3. Domenico 4. Maciej 5. Mike 6. Sal Non-voting participants: - Katie - Sarah - Adrian - Justin - Joni - John - Ishan - Jin Regrets: - Arlene - James *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl