https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/uma/UMA+legal+subgroup+note... 2017-09-08 Attending: Eve, Tim We agreed that deliverable #3 is complete. *AI:* Eve: Let Colin know about deliverable #3. The Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act <http://www.uniformlaws.org/Act.aspx?title=Fiduciary%20Access%20to%20Digital%20Assets%20Act,%20Revised%20(2015)> is already in effect in most US states and will require other states to take action quick. The Act calls for the use of an "online tool" – "an electronic service provided by a custodian that allows the user, in an agreement distinct from the terms-of-service agreement between the custodian and user, to provide directions for disclosure or nondisclosure of digital assets to a third person". That sounds exactly like an authorization server! Our legal framework and tools can help with providing that. The Uniform Law Commission has commissioners from every state. It seems they promoted the law pretty well, given the thorough coverage. There's' also the increasingly pressing requirements for PSD2 (January 2018) and GDPR (May 2018). There's also the DIACC Trust Framework effort. Kantara can take directed funding for efforts to build specific tools, for example contract clauses (tools) for specific purposes. Would that make sense in the case of "directed" sets of contract language for jurisdiction-specific bodies of law covering specific use cases? Is it time to go to the BL-FIDM list to get attention and review, and see if we can find "customers" for fleshing out the full framework and our first tools in Q4 2017? We think so. *AI:* Tim: Draft message to BL-FIDM. Some goals: Ask for review of existing deliverables (some subset?) and slide artifacts (some subset?) to be determined, ask for use cases (and directed funding if needed to hire any further expertise?) for specific tool development, and ask really interested parties to join WG to develop tools actively in Q4 2017 and beyond. *AI:* Eve: Cancel next week's Legal call. *AI:* Eve: Revitalize our external reviewer list and think about who else to add from IAPP. *Eve Maler*Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl