
Roll call

Quorum was reached.

Minutes approval

MOTION: Robert moves and Sal seconds: Approve the minutes of UMA telecon 2015-06-25 and read into today's minutes the notes of UMA telecon 2015-07-01APPROVED by unanimous consent.

Call logistics

Let's stick with our Skype-providing option and Eve will try and remember (everyone please help her) to put something in the chat at the beginning of every call to remind joiners to use the alternate dial-in, not the dial. DONE!


UMA trust, obligations, commitments, transactions, receipts, contracts, licenses...

The question arose: How to bind UMA to existing legal structures. "Licensing" is the dominant approach used by lawyers. Does it work in UMA? Prof. Singh introduced some alternate terminology. DRM approaches are another approach.

authorization (could be can or can't?)

commitment (UMA obligation)


sanction (like a fine)


Eve propose that a "license" model within UMA could look like this:

A challenge with the license model is active revocation. If it appears to be a license for five days, but then the RO revokes the license after two days, what happens? There are technical implications around caching vs. token introspection, checking of expiration periods, and so on (time-to-live management), and also business implications of RqP and client expectations. It could be the case that an access federation trust framework specifies both levels of expectations. If the RO suspects malfeasance, maybe all bets are off and then can revoke immediately.

Tim has sent a document called "The New Ontologies - The Effect of Copyright Protection on Public Scientific Data Sharing Using Semantic Web Ontologies" to the list. The attraction here was the notion of machine-readable license language.

By contrast, if Alice presents Bob with terms he has to agree to, she could point him to machine-readable terms (which could be the ontology content above), and a "contract" model could look like this:

If you standardize the claims, e.g. for the HIPAA-type "purpose of use", and especially if you standards resource types, the terms would be pretty clear in this case. But it's definitely a more complicated model.

If you throw events that are machine-readable during the course of the protocol running, that starts to look like "consent receipts" or similar.

Who's interested to meet with the researchers tomorrow? Eve will add Robert to the invite.

AI status


As of 1 Jul 2015 (pre-meeting), quorum is 7 of 13. (François, Domenico, Sal, Mark, Thomas, Andi, Ishan, Robert, Maciej, Eve, Arlene, Mike, Jin)

  1. Eve
  2. Arlene
  3. Robert
  4. Mike
  5. Sal
  6. George
  7. Jin

Non-voting participants:



Eve Maler | cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl | Calendar: