This is the message I promised legal subgroup folks last week, after gathering feedback from a few folks. I heard a couple of themes:

These both make a lot of sense to me, particularly in the context of our tightening timeline. There’s always a danger of Zeno’s Paradox of Standards-Making: Before you can get halfway done, you have to get halfway to that intermediate point, and halfway to that second point, and so on, such that you can never finish. :-) So here are the tasks I recommend we undertake.

1. The meta-use cases — liability tensions, if you will — of most interest have been staring us in the face the whole time (they’re in our mission statement), and I suggest we focus on these two meta-use cases exclusively for the 2015 period:

If anyone has others they would like to make a case for, we can put them on the list and discuss (briefly) whether reprioritizing makes sense.

2. “Business model” is a term that I heard in the conversations. It’s in quotes because I don’t want to scare away anyone who would prefer to think of this in more Alice-friendly terms; it simply means is the nature of the ecosystem where the parties interact (I sometimes call this a “deployment ecosystem” or a “topology"). We need to prioritize the business models for which our subgroup needs to create outputs. Here are a few to consider, going from simpler/smaller to more complex/larger:

If you have others in mind, or want to adjust these, great.

3. We need to determine roughly what our outputs should look like, so we know what we’re driving towards. Is it model clauses? Something different/more? Let’s just get an idea.

4. If we think about the two meta-use cases in light of each of the business models of interest, and in light of what we’re supposed to deliver, no doubt the experts in the room will notice all the things we’re missing! We need to develop a list of unknowns without which we can’t finish our work. I’m hearing that this could be anything from jurisdiction to “policy” (not authorization policy, something else? policy framework?) to use case specifics to whether we’re using a licensing model vs. a contract model!

Please let me know what you think of this approach, on the list or separately. I’ll send an agenda with dial-in details as usual; the above may take us two meetings’ worth of time to go through…but maybe not, if we’re focused and try to do some homework ahead of time.


Eve Maler | cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl | Calendar: