[John W, forgive me: I unilaterally changed how the "nonfunctional requirements" table headers read after the meeting. If we want to change them back, great... I was just confused reading them after a few hours had elapsed...]



  • External review and reviewers of our work at the Q1 mark
  • Action items for the model definition editors regarding last week's consensus definitions
  • In-scope and out-of-scope trust relationships and their names (see this thread and below)
    • Disentangling meanings of "delegation" – do we need a group norm about terminology?
  • How do we square the "Requesting Party"/Grantee/Potential Grantee circle?

Attending: Eve, Kathleen, John W, Sal, Ann (regrets from Adrian, Mark)

AI: Eve, Jim: Revise our CmA model definitions with new consensus definitions.

Eve's premise was that anything with an UMA technical artifact really has to be in scope, and a direct relationship with any service operator with an UMA-specific purpose for existing (namely the AS operator) seems plausible to be in scope.

Would it be useful to write an explanatory document for reviewers about these relationships?

Should we be naming the agreements at all? There will be multiple actual agreements, for example, at different phases, or for whatever reason. And (channeling Jim) there are literally different agreement/contract workflow phases such as offer, acceptance, etc., and different sides of the equation might be offering or whatever. And given that English is only our first target language and not our only one, perhaps it should be a principle of ours that we should name as few things as we can get away with, so as not to have "language skew". Since our ultimate deliverables are at the size of "clauses", we need not care (for purposes of discussing trust relationships) about the larger combinatorial things into which they're mixed. Jim has put together quite a few assembled agreements, contracts, offers, etc., and we might do the same with our clauses as exemplars, but in the main we expect they'll be non-normative. So we've saved the candidate names, but kept them non-normative.

We have established to our satisfaction that there is complete separation between the legal and technical work of UMA by demonstrating that a technically conforming deployment of UMA services could be out of compliance with the data protection laws of some jurisdiction. Our "Russian example" is apt here: A Russian Grantor cannot legally allow a non-Russian "Requesting Party" access to their own data.

The clauses need to set up the correct preconditions for a deployment of UMA that encourages a "race to the top" in a greater alignment of incentives among the parties and in behavior that is compliant to relevant nonfunctional requirements (such as regulations).

John notes: "Makes me think that we need something like: Authorizing Server Operator - Regulating Body: Allowed-To-Release"

Trust relationship
Dependencies on existing nonfunctional requirements
In scope for model text work?
(Candidate names of agreements formed out of our official clauses)
Technical artifact
Dependencies on existing technical artifacts
Resource Subject - Grantor (if they are different)n/aNon/an/an/a 
RSO - ASOn/aYesProtection API client agreementOAuth client credentials for RSn/a 
Grantor - ASOn/aYesAuthorization services agreementn/an/aThis has no technical artifact in UMA, and therefore no exact or obvious moment of appearing "on stage" for our work. Does this have an impact on whether it is in scope based on the rationale above? We agreed there are definitely reasons to have UMA-specific clauses, looking at our draft ones.
Grantor - RSORSO - ASOYesResource protection agreementPATOAuth client credentials for RSIt's awkward to have a two-party agreement resting on a PAT. There are plenty of agreements where there are multiple Persons in one of the roles, but we're not so sure about true three-role agreements.
Client Operator - ASOn/aYesAuthorization API client agreementOAuth client credentials for Clientn/aWe have not scrutinized the definition of Client Operator. Let's put a pin in that to be sure it's okay.
"RqP" - Client Operatorn/aNon/an/an/aWe need to work on the term for "RqP". Let's put a pin in that.
"RqP" - ASOClient Operator - ASOYesResource authorization agreementAATOAuth client credentials for ClientThe same discussion about n-party agreements above applies here.
Grantor - "RqP"Resource Subject - Grantor, RSO - ASO, Grantor - ASO, Grantor - RSO, Client Operator - ASO, "RqP" - Client Operator, "RqP" - ASO, Grantor - "RqP"Yes?

Resource sharing agreement

Resource access agreement

Trust elevation mechanism and specifically claims subprotocolOAuth client credentials for RS, PAT, OAuth client credentials for Client, AATCould be in the form of a consent receipt, sent to a notification endpoint. Is this trust relationship too "dependent" to be in scope, or does the calculus work? More discussion is needed.


Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl