
Attending: Eve, John W, Kathleen, Scott, Adrian, Mary, Jim, Ann


Shall we leave this till we have specific needs?

We agree that Individual is best, over something like Natural Person. (Meatspace person, bag of protoplasm, ugly bag of mostly water...)

What about "data subject" and "PII subject" (which terms are defined in different standards)? We could refer to them from our Individual definition, or put them in a concordance appendix that is separate. Whether it's "next to" or "separate from" the definition text – and either could work in CommonAccord, because it could be modularized nonetheless, the question is whether we in this WG want to be responsible for keeping that text up to date. We've discussed that we don't want to be responsible for text that isn't UMA-specific. Jim notes that "any law firm that wants to make themselves useful" could keep up a text module like this. We would divest ourselves of any responsibility at all for the freshness or staleness of such text if we simply advised our model-text users of the existence of that third-party model text, rather than pulling it into our own model definition. It appears there are at least two companies that provide this sort of concordance, but they are paid services. Nymity (Toronto) and Privacy Guidance (UK) charge $10K/yr.

"Model definition" is a good name for the specific kind of model text that contains a full term or abbreviation definition. If we want to put a "comment field" in any of these, what would be the purpose? It apparently shouldn't render in a "final" legal agreement; it should just be there to guide how a legal agreement builder should use the definition.

Not just about terminology but about "agency"

Is the RO always the data subject (etc.)? If elderly RO Alice gives access to her protected resources to adult child Bob to help her manage them, UMA makes him her RqP. How do we understand "agency" in this light? Note that UMA calls it "resource owner" only because OAuth does, and "ownership" is problematic as a term. "Resource controller" is more accurate, and it maps nicely to the old WG concept of the "split RO" problem. Note that we have introduced the Authorizing Party phrase on the legal side of our terminology to help get around the "owner" problem, which aligns nicely with the concept of who has the "authority" in each context.

Scott introduces the "legal capacity" phrase. Every jurisdiction has a different definition of the point at which a natural person has it, and different kinds of health data are regulated in each jurisdiction. Sometimes legal capacity is down to age, and sometimes it's determined by other criteria. John mentions tests that a physician can perform to determine capacity. In the case of "aging-in" or certain other automatic types of capacity tests, if resources can have standard data taxonomies applied to them when RS's register the resources at AS's, then it might be possible for automatic policy changes to take place.

Kathleen mentions that HL7 wants to use our deliverables for FHIR contracts. This is for its work coming out in September. They'd be interested in both the model definitions and the model definitions, for "substitute decisionmakers" – Alice would be the grantor, and Bob would be the grantee. In some other contexts, Eve has heard terms like subjects and delegates, and citizens and proxies, etc.

AI: Adrian: Write up ROI form concerns wrt to UMA phase 1 implications for the group's consideration.

Next up

We need to ensure we have a very firm handle on the legal capacity in our terminology (and possibly clauses). And then we need to make good progress on our beta model text timeline, for all sorts of reasons (both IDE and customers).

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl