In today's legal subgroup call, we spent some time discussing which trust relationships are in our purview to "define" with model clauses. Adrian proposed a name for one of them.

It seems like a great idea to name the trust relationships we're responsible for, partly as a shorthand for ourselves but also definitely useful for our "customers".

(I also wonder if there's a conundrum here -- or maybe it's an easily solved one -- in that UMA builds up some two-party relationships into complex three-party relationships. Do we care? We have previously said that our clauses would all be two-party, with preconditions, so maybe it's as simple as that.)

In order to make progress prior to next week's call, can we enumerate and try to name the relationships in email? I made a partial list of them in the notes. Here's an attempt at a more complete one in rough order of UMA flow, with our new terminology as best as I can apply it, and also with some naming proposals/discussion. (Some are "offstage" wrt our work, meaning we're not responsible for these agreements.)
If we can get on the same page about this stuff, does it make sense to publish a short paper explaining it for external readers? It would be a great artifact, particularly as we're getting close to our "end of Q1" deadline to present external reviewers with something to review.

Notice that throughout, there's a legal context at which we're operating, and a corresponding technical context that it seems useful to refer to but probably only non-normatively. How should we handle that? Should we put it in "Comments" in our model definitions?

Eve Maler
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl